The paradox of seeing … an extremely beautiful lady … unhappy … and unwanted. by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

an extremely beautiful lady

I’ve entered into their house … and saw her in bed.

I had to urgently speak with her lover … and he was not answering to any of my messages.

But … i was shocked of her … unhappiness.

In fact … i was so, so socked that i almost forgot why i was there … so i’ve dared to ask … “Why the hell is she so, so unhappy?!

You used to be a nice couple?!

Are you experiencing now the prelude of the end?!”

He didn’t like my question … so he just replied me …. “Please tell me why you had come so early at me?!

Is it really something so important to tell me?!”

I looked at him … replying just … “No!”.

Yes … i was too socked of the paradox of seeing such a beautiful woman … unhappy and unwanted.

But … i also knew him well.

We were friends … by already 30 years … and saw him in the company of many beautiful ladies.

… for a while.

Somehow … at one point … something was changing in the


dynamic of all those relationships … so he was just disconnecting … entering soon after in another story.

… and another one.

Then … another one … and another one.

It was all … so, so illogical.

So … I’ve started to believe that something was wrong with him … but maybe it was not.

Most probably it was all about the normal dynamic of the relationship between a man and a woman.

They meet … all is fine for a while … then … even if it looks like nothing is changed … the beauty of all totally disappears.

Many times … forever.

So … i see my friend … living the same experience … on and on … and on.

… with different beautiful ladies.


But maybe … i was just pretending i don’t understand.

Cause … in fact … i knew about the real dynamic of any love story.

Unfortunately the truth is that … nothing is like in … fairy tales.

And happiness … experienced together … never last forever.





Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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