“Don’t go” “Don’t let me” by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

We are always … contradictory.

And … we act contradictory.

Even … when life gives us the amazing chance to experience… unique love stories.

I heard … once … this…

“Don’t go”

“Don’t let me”

… at a couple … arguing in the middle of the street.

I’ve smiled.

… and … yes … i’ve smiled cause I’ve understood that they were actually pretending they were having an argue.

Most probably … she told him … that she will leave.

He believed her… but … he was hoping that she will change her mind.

But … meditating … i was wondering … what the hell they needed this charade?!

If they were really in love … why they had to torture each other with the idea of the …. breakup?!

Why if the story was amazing … why the hell … they felt the need to talk about the end of it?!

I clearly remember them.

The expression of their faces … the mimic … and i still hear all the words i’ve heard from them.

And … i smile again.

I realise that all was so, so beautiful that they needed to come up with an illusory scenario … sort of a drama … as a confirmation that in fact … all is real.

They were acting like … kids.

They needed that.

Same as me … and all the other people from this planet.

Yes … we all need illusory dramas.

Or … maybe i should say … charades.

Cause … all i saw into that episode … no matter how dramatic they tried to be … acting like they were experiencing the breakup … was a charade.

Or maybe knowing… that all into this world is … temporary … they were just preparing themselves for … the end.

Cause any story … has the beginning … the story itself … and the inevitable end.

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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